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By: Q. Benito, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Program Director, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine

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Prion diseases include kuru medicine lux buy avodart without prescription, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease medications valium buy avodart with visa, the Gerstmann-Straussler Scheinker syndrome, and fatal familial insomnia in humans, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease), scrapie, and mink-transmissible encephalopathy in animals. Transmission is thought to be by exposure to (most commonly by ingestion of) prion containing animal (or human) tissue, particularly, but not exclusively, brain. For exam ple, it is thought that prion-containing beef products from animals slaughtered during the presymptomatic phase of mad cow disease may present a danger of a variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. In the past, this disease was transmitted by ritual ingestion of human brain by canni bals of New Guinea. Morphologic features include loss of neurons, gliosis, and striking spongiosis in the cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord; cerebellar atrophy is often present. Characteristics include cerebellar degeneration with marked tremor, ataxia, slurred speech, and progressive mental deficiency, followed by death within a few months. This disease exhibits morphologic changes similar to those of kuru; spongiosis is prominent. It is believed to be a potential hazard to health workers who work with brain speci mens. In a variant form, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease appears to have been transmitted to humans by ingestion of beef products from cattle affected by mad cow disease. The cause is persistent infection with an altered measles virus; patients are infected in infancy but an asymptomatic interval of several years is followed by neurologic mani festations in late childhood or early teenage years. Characteristics include lack of M component of measles virus, a protein required for extracellular spread of virus; this deficiency may explain the slow nature of infection. Characteristics include rapidly progressive multiple foci of demyelination in the brain, and it is associated with abnormal oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is often associated with leukemia or lym phoma or with immunodeficiency. The etiology is unknown; immune or viral factors are suspected but unproven causes. Multiple sclerosis follows a highly variable clinical course depending on the site of involvement. Characteristics include exacerbations with long asymptomatic remissions and often a progressive course, leading to invalidism with mental deterioration. This disease manifests by early findings: weakness of the lower extremities, visual dis turbances and retrobulbar pain, sensory disturbances, and possible loss of bladder control. The classic Charcot triad (nystagmus, intention tremor, and scanning speech), which is significant for diagnosis, may occur. This disease follows viral illnesses, such as measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox, and is often known as postinfectious encephalitis. This acute inflammatory demyelinating disease primarily involves peripheral nerves. This disease is often preceded by viral infection, immunization, or allergic reactions. Clinical manifestations include ascending muscle weakness and paralysis beginning in the lower part of the lower extremities and ascending upward; respiratory failure and death can occur but most patients recover. This disease was formerly viewed as premature senility occurring in middle-aged persons (presenile dementia); the entity now includes dementia at any age if it is associated with characteristic clinical and pathologic findings. Slow, progressive intellectual deterioration during the course of several years, including: (1) Loss of recent memory, the most frequent early sign (2) Loss of long-term memory and other intellectual functions, leading to inability to read, count, or speak b. Motor problems, contractures, and paralysis, which are sometimes terminal events 2. Neurofibrillary tangles: intracytoplasmic bundles of filaments, derived in part from microtubules and neurofilaments, occur within neurons, especially in the cerebral cortex. Neuritic (senile) plaques: swollen eosinophilic nerve cell processes occurring in spheri cal focal collections within the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. Hirano bodies: intracytoplasmic proximal dendritic eosinophilic inclusions consisting of actin f.

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Several evaluations of the antismoking public service announcements required Monograph 19 medicine remix 0.5 mg avodart visa. The Role of the Media under the Fairness Doctrine between 1967 and 1970 treatment 2 lung cancer order 0.5mg avodart with visa, the first large-scale U. Evidence from controlled field experiments suggests that antitobacco mass media campaigns conducted in conjunction with school- or communitybased programming can be effective in curbing smoking initiation in youth and promoting smoking cessation in adults. The few population-based studies of antitobacco mass media campaigns, in which the media campaign was the only antitobacco program, demonstrate that the media campaigns were effective in reducing smoking in the youth and adult target populations. Population-based studies of antitobacco mass media campaigns that were only one component of multicomponent tobacco control programs provide considerable evidence for reduced use of tobacco by youth and adults. Part 5-Media, Tobacco Control Interventions, and Tobacco Industry Mitigation Efforts Chapter 13. Tobacco Industry Efforts to Influence Tobacco Control Media Interventions this chapter examines how tobacco interests and their allies work to impede antitobacco media efforts by using techniques such as diverting funding to other causes, lobbying elected officials, restricting antitobacco media content through negotiated settlements, and filing legal challenges. Examples are given from state-level media campaigns in Minnesota, California, Arizona, and Florida. This strategy was seen first in Minnesota and leading up to and following the 1998 signing of the Master Settlement Agreement. Increasing consumer awareness of tobacco industry activities to counteract public-health-sponsored campaigns designed to reduce tobacco use can be an important component of effective media interventions. The tobacco industry consistently has used several primary themes to defeat state tobacco tax increase initiatives. These include suggestions that the measures would impose unfair taxes and that tax revenues would not be spent on health care or tobacco control programs as intended. Other, less frequent themes were that the measures would be a tax cut for the rich, impede economic growth, fail to solve state budget problems, restrict personal choice, and violate antitrust laws. Tobacco Industry Media Efforts to Defeat State Tobacco Control Ballot Initiatives and Referenda this chapter examines tobacco industry efforts to use media to counter ballot initiatives and referenda for a sample of the 42 state-level tobacco control measures put before voters between 1988 and 2006. This chapter discusses media campaigns in several states, together with primary themes used by the tobacco industry in these efforts, such as unfair taxation, diversion of funds, personal choice, and wasteful government spending. Within those states that allow these processes, ballot initiatives and referenda have served as an effective tool for enacting tobacco control legislation by direct vote. Tobacco industry interests frequently have used media channels (such as radio, television, print media, and direct mail) to defeat these ballot measures. Future Directions this chapter examines the future of media as they relate to both tobacco promotion and tobacco control. Issues discussed relative to tobacco promotion include point-of purchase marketing, packaging, the use of entertainment media, and public relations. Tobacco control media issues include news and media advocacy, measurement of news media effectiveness, media interventions, and the potential for newer alternate media channels. Smoking and tobacco use fact sheet: Tobacco-related mortality (updated September 2006). Monitoring the Future: National results on adolescent drug use-Overview of key findings, 2006. Why and how the tobacco industry sells cigarettes to young adults: Evidence from industry documents. Tax, price and cigarette smoking: Evidence from the tobacco documents and implications for tobacco company marketing strategies. This chapter examines the theoretical base for media studies (both protobacco and antitobacco) within the context of three research frameworks. This includes the effects of media and mass communications on individuals, including expectancy-value theories of behavior change based on attitudes and beliefs, social cognitive theory and its related construct of modeling beliefs and behavior, and information-processing models. A higher system-level approach in which groups of actors, including the media, advertisers, and other stakeholders, interact with the defined and targeted characteristics of an audience, driven by feedback such as readership or ratings. Such models break down further into areas such as specific organizational roles within the media, the overall flow of information, and the larger political, economic, and cultural contexts. This approach envisions the media as a product of forces in society, serving in turn as agents for social conflict and social change or as advocates of emerging social movements.

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